PADI Diver Propulsion Vehicle
The PADI Diver Propulsion Vehicle (DPV) Course
DPVs offer a thrilling way to see a lot underwater in a brief amount of time. They scoot you through the water without kicking. Whether making a shore dive or diving from a boat, a DPV is a great way to see more and have a blast doing it.
Availability: Contact us for booking information
The Fun Part
It’s all fun.
What You Learn
- Planning DPV dives by accounting for their specific procedures, techniques, problems and hazards
- Equipment considerations when using a DPV
- Diver etiquette and how to avoid harming fragile aquatic life
You put this information into practice during two open water dives.
- PADI (Junior) Open Water Diver (or hold a qualifying certification from another training organization)
- 12 years or older
The Scuba Gear You Use
You use all your basic scuba gear plus a diver propulsion vehicle, of course!
Below, you will find the paperwork necessary to begin this course. Please either drop off or email us a completed copy as soon as possible. We will need to review this prior to the start of your class.
The cost of the course is $235 and includes the eLearning, and the 2 open water dives, with the DPV, tanks and weights. Rental gear, scuba park entrance fees, overnight accommodations, travel and meals are not included. We’ll send you the eLearning once you sign up!
We schedule these sessions based on your availability and the instructor's, and can run them on some trips. Contact us to schedule a class!
Your Next Adventure
DPVs can come in handy when wreck diving because they let you tour more of the wreck, plus reduce your gas consumption. You may want to consider the PADI Wreck Diver course while working your way to Master Scuba Diver.