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New World Publications

Reef Fish Behavior - Florida Caribbean Bahamas - 2nd Ed.

Stock No.  A04
US$ 49.95
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Exactly 20 years after the publication of the 1st edtiion, New World Publications is releasing a new, updated and enlarged 2nd edition of Reef Fish Behavior – Florida Caribbean Bahamas.

The new, 448-page edition includes 588 photos, emphasizes reef fish life cycles, reproduction, cleaning symbiosis, colors & camouflage, senses and sound communications, marine wildlife management plus 17 fish family overviews.

Since the publication of the first edition, notable advances in science have lead to greater understanding of reef fish behavior. DNA markers for tracking fish larvae have helped our understanding of larval transport and its crucial role establishing and maintaining reef fish communities. Lab and field studies in the Pacific have revealed a more complex relationship between species in cleaning behavior. Science and local conservation efforts in the Cayman Islands and Belize have also yielded new information on grouper and snapper spawning aggregations.

Reef Fish Behavior presents an overview of what is presently known about the nature of reef fishes for recreational divers, underwater naturalists, photographers, and budding marine biologists. It is also meant to serve as a companion reference to Reef Fish Identification – Florida Caribbean Bahamas 4th edition.


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